Noah and Buddy

Hanging out with my buddy is one of, if not my favorite part of my week. We love building Hot Wheels tracks as well as domino-placing cars and cool circuit kits. He especially loves going to swim and dive down to search for toys or climb on my shoulders as I run around the pool. […]

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Spencer and Buddy

I have been matched with my buddy for over a year now. It’s been amazing to be able to see the growth in his social skills and abilities. My buddy is always eager to meet, has a smile on his face, and is willing to try new things. Going into the match I knew we

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Outdoor bicycle games

Here are 3 fun outdoor bicycle games you can play with your buddy: How Slow Can You Go? Using sidewalk chalk, draw a 4-inch wide line that stretches across a driveway or down the street. Have some of the line be straight, have some be curvy, or make them have a figure eight.  Using a

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Outdoor board game

Make a HUGE board game outside for hours of fun! Materials: Chalk (at least two colors) Paper or plastic plates Instructions: Draw a checkers “board” on the sidewalk using the chalk You can have less squares than a traditional checkerboard and use paper plates as game pieces. Start playing checkers and you can put a

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