Buddy FAQs
1. What is the AFK Youth Mentoring program about?
The Athletes for Kids Youth Mentoring program is not about sports, but about building supportive relationships between children who have disabilities and high school athletes. We believe that modeling acceptance, inclusion, and respect of all individuals transforms and strengthens our communities.
We carefully match each child with a qualified high school athlete, who commits to mentoring the child for one to three years. Once a mentorship is formed, the pair meets two to four times a month.
2. What are the eligibility requirements for my child?
- We currently serve children in the 1st through 12th grades who have a wide range of disabilities, including ASD; ADHD; developmental, learning, and physical disabilities; anxiety; depression; and more. Several children we serve are referred by teachers, counselors, doctors, and other service providers.
- Your child needs to attend a school that feeds to one of the feeder high school for our Mentors.
If you have any questions about eligibility, please email us at afk@athletesforkids.org.
3. How can my child benefit from the program?
The AFK program helps mentee "buddies" cope with social challenges while also expanding awareness for our mentors about the hurdles their buddies may face on a daily basis. The two work together to find common ground and learn from each other in a variety of ways. Both participants bring their own interests and abilities to each mentorship, and over time, many of the pairing grow into strong friendships.
4. What are the steps to get my child a mentor?
Apply – Complete the buddy application here.
5. How long will it be until my child is matched with a mentor?
Depending on the time of year, the next new mentor orientation/training and mentor availability within 10-mile driving distance, you can expect anywhere from 1-6 months.
6. Once my child is matched, how often do they meet?
Mentors are expected to meet with their buddy on a weekly basis for 6-8 hours a month.
7. The feeder high school for my child is not listed on the application, can I still apply for a mentor?
No. Our mentors are trained and they must attend one of the Athletes for Kids high school chapters in order to be matched. See the AFK web site for the most current list. If you have a question on eligibility please email us at afk@athletesforkids.org.
8. Is there a mentorship fee associated with this service?
Athletes For Kids spends approximately $1,200 per year to maintain and support each mentorship. We ask all mentee families for a nominal mentorship fee of $240/year, payable monthly, quarterly, or annually beginning once the child has been matched. Note: Full and partial scholarship are available for those who apply.
Mentor FAQs
1. How do I become a Mentor?
Apply – Submit the mentor application here.
2. Who is eligible to be a Mentor?
Applicants must attend one of the Athletes for Kids high school chapters in order to be a mentor. See our mentor info page for the most current list. You must be participating in a sport and have a passion to impact the life of a child.
If you are a current freshman, sophomore or junior in one of AFK Chapter High Schools and play a sport, you are eligible to apply for the program.
3. How long will it be until I start being a mentor?
Depending on the time of year, the next new mentor orientation/training and buddy availability for your high school’s chapter, you can expect anywhere from 1-6 months.
Please note: Freshman are eligible to apply, receive training, attend monthly meetings and volunteer at AFK events. However, the matching process may take 6-12 months.
4. I am a senior, can I apply to be a mentor?
No, you can't apply. Our mentorships last a minimum of one year. If you are a current freshman, sophomore or junior in one of AFK Chapter High Schools and play a sport, you are eligible to apply to the program.
5. My high school is not listed on the application, can I still apply to be a mentor?
Applicants must attend one of the Athletes for Kids high school chapters in order to be a mentor.
Please see the mentor info page for the most current list.
6. Once I get matched, how often do I meet with my buddy?
Mentors are expected to meet with their buddy on a weekly basis for 6-8 hours a month.
7. Do I need to attend the monthly training at my high school?
Yes, you are required to attend the monthly mentor training at your high school.