AFK Instagram Feed afkyouthmentoring Our mission is to enhance the lives of children who have special needs and the high school athletes who mentor them Skyline #mentor Maddie and her buddy wish everyone ECHS rising senior Landon has had an epic #summer Redmond #mentor Dane and his buddy have had a grea IHS alumni #mentor Luke is enjoying his last few m Hey Newport athletes, looking for a way to make a SHS mentor Luci and her buddy are enjoying every m Newport alumni #mentor Breanna had her final meeti AFK is currently recruiting athletes at Mount Si H Lake Washington athletes, looking for a fun way to Calling all Juanita athletes! We are currently rec We are actively recruiting mentors at Liberty High Mount Si mentor graduate Frank and his buddy had t Eastlake graduate Pramiti and her buddy always hav Skyline mentor Maddie and her buddy enjoy #gardeni IHS mentor Ananya and her buddy had a great time i EHS mentor graduates Darcy, Riley and Milan wish e Load More... Follow on Instagram